~ ~ ~ 2015 REUNIONS ~ ~ ~
1940 75th Reunion Nice article in the May 8 edition of Kenosha News
about this class reunion!
Noon Luncheon, Dutch Treat
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Perkins Restaurant
Contact: Doris Kirchner Magwitz, 262-764-0970
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1941 74th Reunion Annual Noon Luncheon
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Baker Street Restaurant & Pub (6028 Green Bay Rd)
Contact: Betty Bruno or Elmer Schmidt 262-654-4525
Board Liaisons: Marge Hall, 262-914-5145 and
Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1947 68th Reunion Please note change in venue:
Annual Noon Luncheon
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Marina Gardens (5001 7th Avenue)
Contact: Mary Jane Lippert, 262-942-4131
Board Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1950 65th Reunion Date pending
Tom & Pat (Rondeau) Lansdowne, 262-652-8824
Ralph Tenuta, Connie (Knobucher) Denig,
Bernadette (Morgan) Loewen, Chuck Aiello
1952 63rd Reunion Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Informal Luncheon
Italian American Club (2217 52nd Street)
Cost: $12 -- reservation due by June 28
Contact: Jan Thomas, 262/456-7290 or
Email patricianeuhaus@aol.com
1955 60th Reunion Saturday, July 11, 2015
Maplecrest Country Club
Contact: Fran Pomponi Kollmann, 262-551-8243
Judy Karrmann Descheneau, 262-697-2957
Board Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1958 Birthday Party! We're celebrating a milestone this year, as we turn
75 years young! The Reunion Committee is marking
this momentous occasion with a birthday party on
Friday, September 25, 2015
Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Pizza, Soda, Cake & Coffee
RSVP names and number of attendees no later
than September 10 via email to either
dpontillo@wi.rr.com or rbecker40@wi.rr.com
1960 55th Reunion Friday, September 18, 2015 Ice Breaker
Fireside Restaurant
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Kenosha Country Club
Contact: Roger Andreoli, 262-694-6339
Alumni Liaison: Marie Romano Kiser
1963 Birthday Party! The details are in for the 70th Class Birthday Picnic:
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Southport Beach House, 2:00PM - 6:30PM
The City rents the Beach House by the hour (vs. day).
Rain or shine - picnic tables will be available outside,
but if the weather doesn't cooperate we'll move the
party indoors. There is a kitchen we can use for clean
up and bathrooms for use throughout the day. Please
note Beer and Wine are the only alcoholic beverages
permitted on the property. No fee charged to attend.
We are in need of volunteers to:
♦ Bring their grill and serve as grill master;
♦ Help set up starting at 1:00PM; and
♦ Help with cleaning the hall after the party.
Looking forward to seeing you all -- let's make this
a most memorable birthday!!! If you'd like to donate
toward this event (purely voluntary), please send to
Donna Antonetti, P.O. Box 11, Somers, WI 53171.
1965 50th Reunion Joint reunion Bradford/Tremper/St. Joseph's
Saturday, September 12, 2015
UW Parkside
Contact: Cookie Tomba Paulson, 262-697-9327
Alumni Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1970 45th Reunion Sorry, plans cancelled -- could find no one willing to help organize event. 1975 40th Reunion Friday, July 31, 2015 Ice Breaker Baker Street Restaurant & Pub (6028 Green Bay Rd) Begins at 6:00PM Saturday, August 1, 2015 Up for a round of Golf on Saturday morning? Contact Rick Jake for details. Please note change in venue for main event: The Radisson-Kenosha (11800 108th Street, Pleasant Prairie) Begins at 5:00PM until closing Details posted at www.bradford75.com, or contact Judy Chovan Sebetic or Diana Lento Werwie for more information. 1980 35th Reunion August 15, 2015 Fireside Restaurant & Lounge 6:00PM Heavy hors d'oeuvres & beer; cash bar Visit www.bradford80.com Contact: Theresa (Cesari) Anderson 262-496-3976, or Dulcie Dissmore Schoff 262-551-8854 1985 30th Reunion Saturday, September 26, 2015 Bristol Oaks Country Club (16801 75th Street, Bristol) Begins at 6:00PM Facebook: Mary D. Bradford Class of 1985 Contact: Committee members: Filomena Montemurro Swartz, Suanne Doerflinger Funk, Cyndi Nelson Spiegelhoff, Roberta Puntillo Jorgensen, Michelle Gorecki and Mike Mattioli 1990 25th Reunion Visit www.classcreator.com/Kenosha-WI-Bradford-1990/ Contact: Sue (Boscher) Kuranowicz, 262-515-6161 (Bradfordclassof1990@yahoo.com) 1995 20th Reunion Saturday, August 15, 2015 Parkway Chateau -- further details TBA Contact: Amy Petit Hannaman (ahannaman@wi.rr.com) 2005 10th Reunion Saturday, May 23, 2015 Matt's on Main (5706 6th Avenue, Kenosha) 7:00PM to Midnight Appetizers/Cash Bar $10 at the door Contact: Monica Miller Baker, 262-412-2814 (monicabaker11@gmail.com)
2010 5th Reunion Looking for class volunteers to organize reunion.
~ ~ ~ 2016 REUNIONS ~ ~ ~
Don't miss it: KBHSAA Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet & Silent Auction Saturday, June 25, 2016 The Parkway Chateau - Bristol Room 5:00PM Cash Bar & Silent Auction Kick Off 6:15PM Dinner 7:30PM Silent Auction Closes / Program Begins Get the reservation form here; reservations due by June 15, 2016.
1940 (76th) Thursday, May 12, 2016 and Thursday, October 13, 2016
Dutch-treat luncheon
Noon at Perkins Restaurant, 11710 74th Place
Contact: Doris Kirchner Magwitz, 262-764-0970
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1941 (75th) Check out the nice article on the Class of 1941 Reunion
in the Monday, June 27 edition of Kenosha News!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Baker Street (6208 Green Bay Road, Kenosha)
11:00AM Luncheon
Also, please join us the evening before at the
Bradford Annual Alumni Banquet June 25 at
The Parkway Chateau.
Contact: Elmer Schmidt or Betty Bruno, 262-654-4525
Board Liaisons: Marge Hall, 262-924-5145 or
Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1946 (70th) Sorry to report no reunion will be held, per Ray.
Contact: Ralph Ruffolo, 262-551-8850 or
Ray Mazzarelli, 262-942-0586
1947 (69th) Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Dutch treat luncheon
11:30 a.m. Marina Gardens (5001 Seventh Avenue)
Contact: Dorlores Stratton 262-551-9076 or
Mary Jane Haugaard Lippert 262-942-4131
1951 (65th) Friday, July 22, 2016
The Parkway Chateau (12304 75th Street, Kenosha)
4:30PM Cocktails (Cash Bar)
6:00PM Dinner
$30 per person
Contact: Rosalie Gentine, 262-652-9844
Board Liaison: Cheryl Pileski Hannah 262-694-0244
1952 (64th) Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Fireside Restaurant (2801 30th Avenue)
12:30PM Luncheon
Contact: Earlene Girman, 262/552-9764
1956 (60th) Saturday, September 10, 2016
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue, Kenosha)
5:30PM Cocktails
7:00PM Dinner
Contacts: Marge Huck Hall 262-924-5142
Dennis Filippelli, 262-657-3061
1958 (58th) Class of Fifty Eight (COFE) Old Fashion Pizza Party
Friday, September 16, 2016
6:00PM at Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Pizza Buffet $12/person
RSVP: Juanita Becker, 262-222-3233 (or email rbecker40@wi.rr.com)
1961 (55th) July 22-24, 2016 www.bradford61.com Golf outing, Ice Breaker & Dinner plans All details, RSVP & payment through class website Contact: Suzette Englund, 262-705-3210 Bernard Englund, 262-705-3211 Board Liaison: Cheryl Pileski Hannah 262-694-0244 1966 (50th) September 16-17, 2016 Facebook at: Bradford/Tremper Class of 1966 St. Joseph's High School Class of '66 is welcome to attend. Please notify Reunion Committee of any classmate email addresses or phone numbers you know, so we may contact them. Friday, Sept. 16: -- Golf 9 holes - RSVP to Leo Gallo. -- 4:00-6:00PM Tour of the "old" Bradford Building Meet at the West Entrance by the parking lot; elevator available, if needed. -- Ice Breaker at The Brat Stop to follow. Saturday, Sept. 17: Dinner & Dance - RSVP to Iris Leuck Italian American Club (2217 52nd Street) 5:00PM Cocktails ~ 6:00PM Dinner Reunion Committee: Leo Gallo email: leofgallo@gmail.com or 262-654-8883 Iris Leuck email: irisleuck@yahoo.com or 262-945-8917 Clint Beth (Tremper): clintb66@gmail.com or 262-705-3128 Board Liaisons: Michael Dean / Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806 1971 (45th) Saturday, October 22, 2016 Italian American Club (2217 52nd Street) Committee: Linda Pitts Demske, 262-818-2405 (email: ldemske@gmail.com), Christine Pierantoni Cook, 262-632-5032 and Connie Mallwitz Board Liaison: (Pending) 1976 (40th) Saturday, July 30, 2016 Classmates please visit our website, www.kenoshabradford76.com, and log in to create/update your profiles. Please see our "Missing Classmates" page and, if you have contact info for anyone listed, please contact the Reunion Committee through the website ASAP. All future updates will be posted on the website. Friday, July 29: Golf outing at 11:00AM, either Maplecrest or Bristol Oaks Saturday, July 30: Cortese Lakeshore Italian Restaurant (1300 Sheridan Rd) 5:00-6:00PM Cocktails - Cash Bar 6:00PM Dinner, followed by Raffle/Open Auction and Entertainment $25/person includes Dinner & Dessert - tickets may be purchased through Class of 1976 website (using PayPal) or make check payable to Bradford 1976 Reunion Committee and send to Tina Cosentino, 2105 16th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140. Any questions, please call Tina Cosentino, 414-243-9565. Board Liaison: Cheryl Pileski Hannah, 262-694-0244 1981 (35th) Friday, October 14, 2016 6:00PM Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road) $10/person Incl: Appetizers, music & soda RSVP & payment online: www.bradford81.com More details on Facebook: Mary D Bradford 81 Saturday, October 15, 2016 Golf Outing - Bristol Oaks (16801 75th Street, Bristol) You can make your own foursome, or we can put you with other classmates. First tee time 10:00AM, 24 spots available $25 for 18 holes & cart - pay at golf course (Optional: cheeseburger, brat or hot dog with chips at the turn = $8 more) 1986 (30th) Saturday, July 23, 2016 Mason's Pub & Eatery (7000 74th Place, Kenosha) More details on Facebook: Bradford High School Class of 1986 Advance RSVP online $25/person ~or~ $30/person at the door Contact: Carrie Glidden Durkee, 262-308-8026 or Ronda Kollman DeAngelis, 262-914-1760 Board Liaison: Joyce Kopacz Sorensen, 262-945-3806 1991 (25th) Saturday, July 30, 2016 Skybox Bar & Grill (2901 60th St., Kenosha) Contact: Camela Schwalbe Langendorf, 262-498-4075 Board Liaison: Alice Jackson Schwalbe, 262-654-0919 1996 (20th) TBD Contact: David Lauer, 262-945-7290 (Emily’s father) Board Liaison: Joyce Kopacz Sorensen, 262-945-3806 2001 (15th) TBD Contact: Rocco LaMacchia, 262-705-1520 Board Liaison: Randy Vaccaro, 262-551-0510 Looking for Class volunteers to organize the following reunions; please contact Marie Romano Kiser 262-654-6864 or Cheryl Pileski Hannah 262-694-0244 2006 (10th) 2011 (5th)
~ ~ ~ 2017 REUNIONS ~ ~ ~
1940 (77th) Thursday, May 11, 2017 and
CORRECTED DATE: Thursday, October 5, 2017
Perkins Restaurant, 11710 74th Place
12:00 Noon - Dutch-treat luncheon
Contact: Doris Kirchner Magwitz, 262-764-0970
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1941 (76th) Sunday, June 25, 2017
Baker Street (6208 Green Bay Road, Kenosha)
11:00AM Brunch
RSVP no later than June 15, 2017
Contact: Elmer Schmidt or Betty Bruno, 262-654-4525
Board Liaisons: Marge Hall, 262-924-5145 and
Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1947 (70th) Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Boathouse Pub & Eatery (4917 Seventh Avenue, Kenosha)
1:00PM Dutch treat luncheon
Contact: Dolores Stratton 262-551-9076 or
Mary Jane Haugaard Lippert 262-942-4131
Board Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1952 (65th) Thursday, July 6, 2017
3:00 - 7:00PM Icebreaker
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue, Kenosha)
Friday, July 7, 2017
3:00 - 7:00PM Dinner
Kenosha Country Club
Contact: Janice Thomas, 262-456-7290 or
Board Liaison: Randy Vaccaro, 262-551-0510
1957 (60th) Saturday, September 16, 2017
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue, Kenosha)
5:00PM Cocktails
6:00PM Dinner
RSVP: Jim Riese 262-694-7725 or
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1962 (55th) Saturday, August 12, 2017 Italian American Club (2217 52nd Street) Website: www.bradford62.com Contact: Mary Magnino Kessler, mkessler88@wi.rr.com; Carol Klitzke Schlevensky, jancarols@hotmail.com; or Barbara Stummer, bstummer@hotmail.com. Board Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1967 (50th) Saturday, September 9, 2017
Combined: Bradford & Tremper
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue)
Bradford: Renee (Marchese) Noto, 262-552-8673
Tremper: Don Vena, 262-554-2375
Facebook search: kenosha.bradfordtremper
Email: Bradford.Tremper1967@yahoo.com
Board Liaison: Michelle Serpe, 262-237-4920
1972 (45th) CORRECTION: Friday, October 6, 2017
"Pop-Up" Reunion
5:00 to 7:00PM Happy Hour - Cash Bar in the bar area at
Ruffolo's II (3931 45th Street).
7:00 to 9:00PM Bradford H.S. Football Game
Head Coach Matt Rizzo, classmate Tom Rizzo's son has
invited his dad's class to the game against Indian Trail.
7:00PM to Midnight "Afterglow" at Ruffolo's continues in a
reserved area. Those not attending the game can stay at
Ruffolo's II throughout the evening.
$10/person at the door includes pizza throughout
the evening. Cash bar. No advance reservations needed.
Contact: Kris Miller, 262-818-5351
1977 (40th) Friday, August 11, 2017
7:00PM Ice Breaker
Chutes & Ladders (3812 60th Street)
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Bristol Oaks Golf Club & Banquet Center (16801 75th Street)
5:30PM Cocktails
6:00PM Dinner
Facebook: MaryDBradfordClassof77
$40/person, RSVP by July 15, 2017 to
Lonnie Randell (262/818-2670 Nancy)
5803 Pershing Blvd., Kenosha, WI 53144
We're looking for contact information whether it's address, email
or phone number. Everyone please pass this on our classmates and
Contact: Renee (Pitts) Lang via FB messenger or e-mail
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1982 (35th) Friday, October 6, 2017
For details, please visit:
Alisa Ruffolo Taleronik (262-455-5635)
1987 (30th) Saturday, October 7, 2017 [Joyce learned of this one after the fact.]
The Club House (2621 30th Ave)
Contact: Leo Cucunato (his brother-in-law owns The Club House)
05/03/2023: Received an email from Kristine Cucunato (Leo's wife) thru KBHSAA website that Leo passed away 11/28/2020 due to complications from COVID. We are not aware of a 1987 Class website or Facebook page. Leo was not a KBHSAA member, so we will not be posting his obituary. -- JV
Aug 2019: Heard from following individual who is working on Class of 1992 Reunion and asked us to post a "Save the Date" notice for the event on 06/25/2022; their website is www.bradford93.com (site active when we checked 08/29/2019). -- JV
Ruyayeem Rashid
3708 22nd Street
Kenosha, WI 53144-1476
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Joyce notes for the record another committee member is: Jen Hart jenhart2014@gmail.com
09/09/2019: Randy took phone call from Ms. Rashid, wanting to know when she will receive reimbursement check for the 1992 Class website domain renewal that she mailed on Friday (9/06/19). Randy told her when we receive the receipt, it will be delivered to our Treasurer, so a check may be issued promptly. Jan alerted Joyce via text msg, who said there was no mail in the PO Box today.
~ ~ ~ 2018 Reunions ~ ~ ~
KBHSAA Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet & Silent Auction
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue)
1940 (78th) Thursday, May 17, 2018 and
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Perkins Restaurant (11710 74th Place)
12:00 Noon - Dutch-treat luncheon
Board Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1941 (77th) Sunday, June 24, 2018
Baker Street (6208 Green Bay Road)
11:00AM Brunch
RSVP no later than June 14, 2018
Contact: Elmer Schmidt, 262-654-4525
Board Liaisons: Marge Hall, 262-924-5145 and
Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1943 (75th) Thursday, June 21, 2018
Perkins Restaurant (11710 74th Place)
1:30PM Luncheon
Contact: Olga Del Frate Randall, 262-654-1360 or
Eileen McGovern Frederking, 262-818-9695
1947 (71st) Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Ruffolo's II (3931 45th Street)
11:30AM Meet
12:00 Noon - Dutch-treat luncheon
RSVP by September 7, 2018
Contact: Dolores Eichman Stratton, 262-551-9076 or
Mary Jane Haugaard Lippert, 262-942-4131
Board Liaison: Joyce Sorensen, 262-945-3806
1948 (70th) Wednesday, September 12, 2018
LaFogata Mexican Grill - Sunroom (3300 Sheridan Road)
1:00PM Dutch-treat luncheon with a Varied Menu
Contact: Elain Copen Ibsen, 262-344-0745 or
Bob Stockdale, 262-654-5618
1951 (67th) Monday, August 15, 2018
Birchwood Grill (7515 125th Avenue)
Noon Dutch-treat Lunch
$5 per person for expenses
RSVP no later than July 31, 2018
Contact: Larry Boyd, 262-694-5743
Send $5 check payable to Larry Boyd at
7716 33rd Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142
1953 (65th) Thursday, July 12, 2018
Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
1:00-4:00PM for pizza
Friday, July 13
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue)
3:00PM for meet-and-greet
4:30PM dinner served
Contact: Judy (Nicolazzi) Ruffolo, 262-694-0491
1956 Class 80th Birthday Party is ON!
Saturday, September 15, 2018
6:00 p.m. Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Casual Attire
Cash Bar
$12 per person
Menu: Pizza, Salad, Wings, Meatballs & Birthday Cake
Make checks payable to:
Bradford Class of 56
and send to:
Marge Hall
1317 35th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
Our class website: https://www.classcreator.com/Kenosha-WI-Bradford-1956/
Any questions, please contact:
Marge Hall, 262-924-5145, or
Dennis Filippelli, 262-657-3061
1958 (60th) Friday, September 14, 2018
Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Ice Breaker 5:00PM $12/person
Saturday, September 15
Parkway Chateau (12305 75th Street)
Reunion $35/person
Cash Bar 4:30PM - 5:30PM
Dinner to follow
Contact: Juanita Jornt Becker
RSVP by September 1, 2018
Make check payable and mail to:
Bradford Class of '58
11902 214th Avenue
Bristol, WI 53104-9684
Golf Outing inquiries:
Pat Callahan
262-654-0666 or
1961 Class "75" Birthday Bash!
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Madrigrano Marina Shores (302 58th Street)
Garden Room, east entrance (venue is handicap accessible)
5:00PM, casual attire; cost is $30/person.
Optional golf outing (time & cost pending - sorry, not free)
Bristol Oaks Country Club (16801 75th Street).
Sign up for both events through the
Class of 1961 website.
Contact: Sandi Paulick (spaulick43@gmail.com)
1963 (55th) Saturday, July 14, 2018
Southport Beach House (7825 First Avenue)
1:00PM - 8:00PM ~ Totally casual -- wear casual clothes.
Bring your own wine or beer (no hard alcohol is permitted).
We will provide water and soda, along with food, plates,
plasticware, plastic glasses. Coffee may be provided with dessert.
Cost will be $20.00 per person, which covers rental of the hall, food &
supplies, soda, water and music. There will be no official "program"...
just good friends, laughter, lots of reminiscing and good music. Bring
your beverages, lawn chairs and be prepared to have a great time!
Please send your check made out to "Bradford Class of 1963" to
Donna Antonetti, P. O. Box 11, Somers, WI 53171.
Website: www.bradfordclassof1963.com
1966 Class 70th Birthday Celebration for Bradford & Tremper Class of 1966 & friends.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Bull & Bear Eatery & Tavern (4017 80th Street)
1:00 - 4:00PM
No RSVP necessary
Free of charge - buy your own food & drink
Spread the word & come join in the fun! Questions?
Contact: Iris Leuck, 262-551-7166 or email Irisleuck@yahoo.com
or charmaynelh@aol.com
1968 (50th) Saturday, September 29, 2018
Kenosha Country Club
5:00 p.m. - 11: 00 p.m.
Class members should call 760-565-9572 if they have not already
been contacted by a member of the Reunion Committee.
Reunion Comittee contacts:
Tom Middlecamp - 68campster@gmail.com
Bruce Bosman – HEYBOS08@gmail.com
Margie Hannes – mhannes65@gmail.com
1973 (45th) Friday, September 7, 2018
Friday night football: Bradford Red Devils take on Oak Creek Knghts!
6:00PM Gates open, 7:00PM Kick Off
Purchase ticket(s) on arrival - dinner at the Concession Stand, if you wish.
Saturday, September 8
Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Car pool if at all possible, due to limited parking.
5:00-6:30PM Cash Bar / Snacks / Silent Auction
6:30PM onward Pizza, Salad & Homemade Desserts available
The 2018 edition of the Class of '73 Memory Book is included in your registration fee.
Cost: $15/person before July 31 registration deadline (based upon postmark);
$20/person if registering after the deadline or for those who choose to pay at the door.
Contact: Randy Vaccaro, 262-551-0510 (or email rjvjev@aol.com)
Website: www.bradford73.com
1978 (40th) Friday, August 10, 2018
6:00PM; Boys & Toys Band starts at 8:30PM
The Clubhouse Pub & Grille (2621 30th Avenue)
Delicious Infusino's Pizza will be served, along with our homemade desserts
Cash bar. Only $10/person at the door! (Cash only, please.)
Be sure you get a wristband and a nametag. Both are a must!
Saturday, August 11
Holy Rosary Church Festival
The New Vinyls band starts at 7:00PM. Let's all meet upon the west side of
the main stage beginning at 5:00PM. Bring a chair. There will be a number
of tents where food, beer and beverages are available for purchase.
Please login to our official class site, www.bradford78.com and complete
the Reservation Form on the 40-Year Reunion page as a way to officially RSVP.
Much appreciated!
Also, please come join us on our sister site on Facebook: Bradford High Class of '78
Reunion Chair: Sandie Jung Hansen, 262-237-4065 (sandiejh-bhsclassof78@yahoo.com)
Reunion Committee members: Lori Haapala Miskovic, 262-945-1560, and
Frank Rinaldi, 262-358-2699
Let the fun begin! Our 35th Class Reunion has been set for Homecoming weekend:
Friday, September 28th &
Saturday, September 29th
Final plans will be announced shortly which include:
Float building prior to homecoming for locals willing to participate.
Friday night:
Participating in the parade, then a cookout prior to the homecoming game,
followed by drinks at Stan’s bar after the game.
Saturday night:
Pizza party and drinks (location in progress)
Plans aren’t finalized yet, so if anyone has any fun ideas for the weekend,
please text or contact Kathy Hotchkiss Sinclair, Tony Geliche, or Kathy Amundson.
Any additional volunteers would be appreciated, especially anyone who
would like to be in charge of float building.
Please help spread the word. There are 157 classmates on our
Bradford Class of '83 Facebook site, which means we are missing
around 500 more people!
03/27/2023: Notes from JV
Updated Contact info for 1983 Class Reunion Committee;
Lead/admin of FB page: Kathy Amundson, 239/888-5068; email kathy.amundson65@yahoo.com
Other contacts:
Kathy Hotchkiss Sinclair, 262/818-1358
Sue Apostoli Swanger, email: looking for it in my contacts file.
1988 (30th) Saturday, September 15, 2018
Clubhouse Pub & Grille (2621 30th Avenue)
7:00PM to midnight
No admission fee. DJ will be spinning all of our favorite songs from the 70's and 80's.
We will have free pizza, but you are responsible for your own drinks. Special guest
appearance from our past will arrive around 9pm... you don't want to miss it!
Photo booth picture frame to capture new memories! Hope to see everyone there,
and please spread the word!
Check out our BHS Class of 1988 Facebook page.
Website: www.bradford88.com
1998 (20th) Saturday, August 11, 2018
Italian American Club (2217 52nd Street)
5:00PM cocktails, 6:00PM Dinner – Midnight
‘98 alumni can join our Facebook group page for further details at
Or they can email bradfordclass98@yahoo.com to keep updated.
Class website is https://www.classcreator.com/Kenosha-WI-Bradford-1998/class_index.cfm
2008 (10th) Reunion details TBD
Contact: Lauren Sturycz - XoLoDesigns22@hotmail.com
Sorry to report we never received any additional info on plans for
a Class of 2008 reunion. KBHSAA had attempted to contact the
classmate who initially said a reunion was being organized, but
emails went unanswered, and we had no phone number on file.
A search on Facebook on 09/11/2018 turned up the following Fb group:
A reunion date had been selected, but not enough classmates had
signed up (they needed 50 people), and the event was apparently
cancelled. We'd like to suggest 2008 classmates join the Fb group
in order to stay connected.
~ ~ ~ 2019 Reunions ~ ~ ~
1940 (79th) Thursday, May 16, 2019 and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Perkins Restaurant (11710 74th Place)
12:00PM Dutch-treat Luncheon
Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 8, to
Alumni Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1941 (78th) Sunday, June 23, 2019
Baker Street Restaurant (6208 Green Bay Road)
11:00AM Brunch
RSVP no later than June 14, 2019
Contact: Marge Hall, 262-924-5145
Alumni Liaison: Lee Arneson, 262-657-5797
1946 (73rd) Saturday, August 3, 2019
The Joseph Andrea Class of 1946 Mary D. Bradford High School
Breakfast Club meeting at Carthage College
1947 (72nd) Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Ruffolo's Special Pizza 2 (3931 45th Street)
Contact: Dolores Eichman Stratton, 262-551-9076 or
Mary Jane Lippert, 262-942-4131
1957 Birthday Party!
Celebrating a milestone this year as we turn 80 years young!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
5:00 p.m. at Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
Pizza, meatballs, salad, chicken wings & birthday cake.
RSVP by August 31, 2019
$20 per person; make checks payable to: KHS 1957 Class
For mailing details. contact: Jim Riese, sandyriese@gmail.com or 262-694-7725
Alumni Liaison: Lee Doerring Arneson, 262-657-5797
1959 (60th) Saturday, September 14, 2019
Parkway Chateau (12304 75th Street)
Contact: Rita Savaglio Bisciglia, 262-948-1668
Keith & Marilyn (Carlson) Dunham
1964 (55th) Friday, September 20, 2019
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue)
5:00PM Cash bar
6:00PM Buffet
DJ Dancing/Karaoke following dinner
Relaxed dress code
$50/person (a small portion of this amount will be used for
maintenance of our www.bradford64.com website).
Deadline for registration & payment: September 4, 2019
Please visit our class website to register, then include your current
phone number, address and e-mail when sending your check.
As noted on the registration page, checks should be made payable
to "Bradford Reunion Class of 1964" and mailed to:
Jane Hess
4220 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142
Contact: Jane Hess, 262-694-2083
Alumni Liaison: Cheryl Hannah, 262-694-0244
1969 (50th) September 20-21, 2019: Countdown is at 43 days!
Special note: Kathy Tenuta has had many emails and phone
calls due to so many summer vacations and classmates just
forgetting (yikes!) to send in their reservation cards. She
contacted KCC, and they have agreed to extend our food
reservation date (noted below).
Please, we would like your information whether or not you
are able to join us for this fun weekend... so please return
your RSVP as soon as possible!
Any questions, email: reddevils69@yahoo.com
Facebook: Kenosha Bradford High School Class of 1969 50th Reunion
Join website: www.bradford69.com
Friday, September 20, 2019
Bradford (now Reuther) High School Tour
4:30PM West Entrance; afterward, join us for
Flash Back Friday Night, Remembering Old Times
6:00PM Casual Get Together
Baker Street Restaurant (6208 Green Bay Road)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Friendly Golf Outing - 18 holes (not a tournament)
Maplecrest Country Club (9401 18th Street)
AM Golf followed by lunch, $40 per person
Reservations: Tom Pinzger, pinzger828@gmail.com
Social Hour, Dinner & Dancing
Kenosha Country Club (500 13th Avenue)
$50 per person
5:00PM Cash Bar
About 6:15PM Dinner
Music by "our own" Chevelles
Reservation deadline extended: Friday, September 6, 2019
Contact: Kathy Ryan Tenuta 262-945-3887 or
email Kathleentenuta@gmail.com.
Alumni Liaison: Joyce Kopacz Sorensen, sorniejoyce@yahoo.com
Note: Consider joining the Bradford High School Alumni Association and also
purchase your BRADFORD ALUMNI T-SHIRTS through the Association using this link.
1974 (45th) September 20-21, 2019
Friday, September 20, 2019
7:00PM Bradford Red Devils vs. Oak Creek Knights at
Mary D. Bradford Stadium. Casual gathering afterward at
The Clubhouse (2621 30th Avenue)
Saturday, September 21
12:00Noon Tour Our Alma Mater (tentatively)
Meet at the west entrance
Casa Capri (2129 Birch Road)
6:00PM Pizza, appetizer, soda & beer. Casual attire.
Deadline to register & pay extended: September 14, 2019
No payment may be made at the door the evening of event.
Game only: $5 per person
Reunion only: $20 per person
Game & Reunion: $25 per person.
No charge for tour. Lasts approximately 1 hr.
Send payment via PayPal (or send check via USPS) to:
Holly Kangas
4024 15th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144
Questions?? Contact Holly at 262-818-1855 (or email Kangas01@att.net)
Coming from out of town? Stay at the new, beautiful Stella Hotel.
Group pricing $119/night; be sure to mention “Bradford Class of ‘74”
when making reservations. https://stellahotel.com
1979 (40th) Saturday, June 29, 2019
Boat House Pub & Eatery (4917 7th Avenue)
Reservations must be received by June 15.
Cost is $20.00 per person.
Make check payable to and mail to:
Bradford Class of 79
8108 64th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
Questions, please email: dvillalobos@wi.rr.com or sallemand@wi.rr.com
or call 262-945-7755 or 262-945-4515
Alumni Liaison: Dulcie Dissmore Schoff
1984 (35th) Saturday, August 10, 2019
Our '84 Class is "35" this year, so we are heading to the beach...
Friends, food, Pop-Up Beer Garden, live music, bonfire & more!
Simmons Island, 4:00PM - 11:30PM
VIP Pass $35/person
Purchase pass at www.bradford84.com
Contact: Peggy Brunet LeMay
Alumni Liaison: Dulcie Dissmore Schoff, 262-945-4318
1989 (30th) Unfortunately, we learned late in the day of the event that a casual
reunion was being held Saturday, August 3 at The Clubhouse.
Sorry we were unavailable to share the information on this website
ahead of the event.
Class website: www.bradford89.com
Sorry to report we have no reunion information or contact currently
available for the following Class years:
1944 (75th) 1994 (25th) 2009 (10th)
1949 (70th) 1999 (20th) 2014 (5th)
1954 (65th) 2004 (15th)